5 Free tips to Get your kids interested in coding...

By Sebastian Okhanigbe
In an era of digital literacy and artificial intelligence (AI), teaching kids to code early enough, has become very necessary. Although, it takes time to completely gain mastery of, it’s still important to start as early as possible. This always brings us back to the question of why it is important to teach kids coding.
First thing’s first; coding on the long run, provides valuable skills in life creating future opportunities. More so, it does not just increase their writing abilities, it also boosts their mathematical skills as it helps to create a smarter view on academic problems while giving them an understanding of the world around them.
So how do we introduce and make coding attractive to kids?
1. Explain it’s connection to everyday life
Programming skills have many benefits ranging from its interestingly huge pay. Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of IT knows how programming skills are valued in the job market today and how Training in Programming boosts career opportunities. This aside, its benefits also goes out of the workplace, like having Better Organization skills.
Being organized, makes life easier and there is just a few more occupations that are more organized. This organization skill is as a result of learning to be efficient and structural when writing codes. This is what we programmers call “ALGORITHM”. It is very simple to use this in our everyday life. Another popular skill is the problem solving skill.
2. Show them how interesting things work
The best way to teach anything is with proof. When you show them interesting ideas that excite them, do not fail to let them know how possible it is to create their own. This way you get their attention.
Children love to play games and watch cartoons, now imagine them making their own endless lists of exciting games. Who wouldn’t want to give it a Shot?
3. Introduce them to actual codes
Do not introduce kids to coding like adults it will be boring to them. It is best they start with block based coding tools, where they can push in blocks together, to give a command rather than having to memorize lines and lines of written text. You can get Scratch on your playstore for Android devices or on Appstore for your Apple devices. Why not, there are also resources from 9jacodekids ready for use to give kids a solid foundation in coding, from as early as age 4.
4. Debunk the MYTH
This is another aspect we must get right. There are lots of misconceptions about Programming, which gets most parents uninterested likewise children. The way movies stereotype programmers as nerds and generally garage dwellers, makes it unattractive but NO!, programmers make the coolest kids on the block today, because of the freedom in their skill. IT IS THE NEW COOL!
5. Make it FUN
Never forget to play, the most effective method of teaching kids to code is through play. They tend to learn better, when they interact with the learning process. The idea behind this is, it keeps them abreast the process as they internalize the knowledge they received, keeping them interested.
Particular courses are highly effective at providing tutoring, in the coding world and are aimed at kids. However, 9jacodekids provides the platform for a solid foundation in the tech world for kids, delivering easy to learn coding content, compiled by professionals, in a very simplified way. Thereby, making it fun and creative for kids to get a hold on.
You can sign up your kids for our Afterschool online or Weekend Online code clubs or even learn at their own pace with our downloadable video packs for ages 4 to 16.